Denendeh Investments Inc

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Denendeh Investments Limited Partnership (DILP) is governed by its General Partner, Denendeh Investments Incorporated (DII)

Those eligible for partnership units in DILP include the NWT First Nations of the Gwich’in, Sahtu, Dehcho, Tlicho, Akaitcho and Denendeh Development Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation whose membership consists of representatives from each of the 27 Dene First Nations communities in the NWT.

DILP was established to create long term economic self-sufficiency for the Dene through profitable business ventures. DILP is a vehicle through which the Dene can enhance their participation in opportunities occurring throughout the North, across Canada and around the world to generate wealth, employment and business opportunities.

DII is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance. DII directors meet regularly and are consulted on major issues such as planning, acquisitions, divestitures, financing and compensation. The Board currently has three oversight committees: the Audit Committee; the Policy and Procedures Committee; and the Executive Management Committee, which also deals with recruitment and remuneration of senior management.

Contact Information
Contact Person: Margaret Gorman
Phone: 867-445-3861
Suite 401, 4504 - 49th Avenue PO Box 2725, Yellowknife, NT, Canada X1A2R1